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Free Health Camp

Ensuring Primary Healthcare for the Underprivileged

Shri Seva India Foundation recognizes the challenges of the underprivileged to access primary healthcare.

We therefore organize free multispecialty health camps across geographies which includes a thorough check up by a doctor, distribution of free medicines along with specialized tests namely BP, Blood Sugar and Haemoglobin(Hb) monitoring. These timely interventions provide early diagnosis and treatment reducing the incidence of morbidity and mortality. Such health camps address immediate health care needs of the marginalized communities.

We have organized more then 100 camps till 2024.

Our medical camps
eye check-up

Free Eye check-up camp and distribution of spectacles

Shri Seva India Foundation recognizes the challenges of the underprivileged to access primary healthcare.

Shri Seva is committed to provide access to quality healthcare to its associated artisan groups. To achieve this goal, we conduct health camps at regular intervals. In the series, we organized an eye check-up camp for our partner artisan group, ‘Sai seva Org India , an NGO based in Panchmahal Guhrat. The camp was conducted for a period of four days starting from December To March Every Year. It was organised in four remote villages near Godhra and a large number of artisans showed up at the camp.

The eye check-up camp was conducted at  villages namely Godhra Panchmahal.  In each of the places, the camp started daily from 10 am to 4 pm. A team of qualified doctors & opticians was hired, who carried all the required equipment & machinery to the camps. In addition to the women artisans, elderly people also attended the camp and got benefited. A total of 351 people participated and 167 people got their choice of spectacles for free.. 47 people were referred to a renowned eye hospital, where they got eye surgeries done.

Those who were advised optical correction glasses were provided with free of cost spectacles. Eyeglass frames were chosen by people according to their preference. Artisans were very happy for the services provided in the camp and for the free medicines and spectacles and want more such health camps to be organised in future..

Blanket Donate

Blanket Distribution Drive

Shri Seva India Foundation recognizes the challenges of the underprivileged to access primary healthcare.

सेवा परमो धर्मः

जरूरतमंद आमजनों तक ठिठुरन भरी सर्दियों में गर्म कंबल की राहत

Shri Seva has been organizing a blanket distribution drive to share some warmth with the needy during the winters.

मनुष्य द्वारा की गई सेवा का फल उसके साथ-साथ लोक-परलोक तक चलता है। जीवन का सार और सुख का आधार दूसरों के कष्ट में सहायता कर, प्रसन्नता अनुभव करने में ही है और यह सेवा किसी बड़भागी को ही मिलती है।

ठंड के दिन शुरु हो गये हैं।  आजीविका की तलाश में दूर-दराज से आये लोगों के पास रहने-ठहरने का ठिकाना नहीं होता, वे सड़क के फुटपाथों पर ठंड से ठिठुरते हुये रातें बिताने को मजबूर हैं। ऐसे गरीब मजबूर लोगों की सेवा करना परमात्मा की सेवा के समान है।  प्रत्येक वर्ष रात में घूम-घूमकर  फुटपाथों पर ठंड से ठिठुरते-कांपते जरूरतमंदों को गर्म कम्बल बांटते हैं। इस वर्ष भी मिशन के कार्यकर्ता गरीबों को कम्बल बांटने की सेवा करेंगे, जिसमें आप सभी भक्तों का सहयोग आपेक्षित है।

‘सेवा परमो धर्मः’ सेवा से बढ़कर और कोई पुण्य धर्म नहीं है। आइये! मिशन के इस सेवाधर्म में सहभागी बनकर ठंड में गरीबों को गर्माहटभरा प्यार-सहयोग बांटें।

You can also participate in the blanket distribution drive by giving a small amount to give the needy a well-needed touch of warmth amidst the bitter winters.

Inviting you to join us in this act of kindness!

Let’s make it super successful and help save lives this winter by sharing some warmth with those in need!

Our medical camps
Donate Food

Donate Food for  Poor Old Age People & School Children

Shri Seva India Foundation recognizes the challenges of the underprivileged to access primary healthcare.

Shri Seva is committed to provide access to quality healthcare to its associated artisan groups. To achieve this goal, we conduct health camps at regular intervals. In the series, we organized an eye check-up camp for our partner artisan group, ‘Sai seva Org India , an NGO based in Panchmahal Guhrat. The camp was conducted for a period of four days starting from December To March Every Year. It was organised in four remote villages near Godhra and a large number of artisans showed up at the camp.

The eye check-up camp was conducted at  villages namely Godhra Panchmahal.  In each of the places, the camp started daily from 10 am to 4 pm. A team of qualified doctors & opticians was hired, who carried all the required equipment & machinery to the camps. In addition to the women artisans, elderly people also attended the camp and got benefited. A total of 351 people participated and 167 people got their choice of spectacles for free.. 47 people were referred to a renowned eye hospital, where they got eye surgeries done.

Those who were advised optical correction glasses were provided with free of cost spectacles. Eyeglass frames were chosen by people according to their preference. Artisans were very happy for the services provided in the camp and for the free medicines and spectacles and want more such health camps to be organised in future..